
Top-level Files of tip

Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in

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This is Konilo. It's a small Forth operating system running on
a little virtual computer called ilo. The Konilo system is
compiled and provided as an image (ilo.rom), and a set of blocks
(used for storage of code & data) are provided (ilo.blocks).

Some quick notes:

- 65,536 memory locations ("cells")
- 32 bits per cell
- block storage
- direct threaded Forth implementation
- includes a block editor

This supports a variety of host architectures. Precompiled
(mostly static) binaries are included for Linux, OpenBSD,
NetBSD, FreeBSD, MS-DOS, macOS, Haiku, Classic Mac Systems 5-7,
and Windows. It has been tested and confirmed to work on x86
(8088+), amd64, arm64, and 68000 processors. Physical RAM
requirements are around 384K.

In addition to the provided binaries, many implementations of
ilo are included. These include Assembly, C, C++, C#, Common
Lisp, D, Go, Hare, JavaScript, Kotlin, Lua, Nim, Python,
RetroForth, Rust, Swift, and TypeScript.

Konilo includes a hypertext manual and glossary in the blocks.
An external copy of this is also provided. Work to improve the
documentation is ongoing.

The Konilo image source code is not included in the snapshots,
but is available via either Fossil or Git. See konilo.org (via
gemini or http[s]) for details.
